Our family attended the 10:00 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve and I want to complement you both on that celebration. It was possibly the most memorable celebration I’ve ever attended (with the exception of my wedding Mass); certainly the most beautiful and meaningful Christmas Eve Mass I’ve ever seen. Father Peter’s homily brought us closer to the true meaning of Christmas than most I’ve heard, certainly of late. The surrounding musical presentations framed the Mass in beauty in a peaceful way, bringing both joy and mystery to the Mass. Thank you for this most memorable event.
We also attended the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Easter Sunday. To say that it was a beautiful celebration only touches the hem of the robe and does not convey adequately the lasting effects of that celebration. Of course Mr. Miller’s musical contributions added to the appropriate awe of the event; we’ve come to expect that from him and from those who help him by singing and playing instruments. Of course the decorum of the people who contributed by readings, as attendants, as extraordinary ministers, and others who contributed to the status of this particular Mass, the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection. Again, we’ve come to expect that. The homily that Father Peter delivered was spot on and as timely and universal as Easter itself, and again we’ve come to expect that from him. This was a Mass celebration that I will long remember. It was beautiful, as I said, it was significant, it was inspiring, and it was evangelical. Thank you for your work in our parish.