St. Paul the Apostle is a family-friendly parish. Father Peter loves to hear the noises of children during Mass and highly encourages parents to bring them! We offer many services for families, including Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Nursery, and Cry Room during Sunday Masses. We serve coffee and donuts after Sunday Masses for families to gather as a community and let the kids eat and play together. We have a very active Elementary Faith Formation program, and a Youth Group for both middle and high school-aged kids. We love having everyone involved in the Mass! Families have the opportunity to bring the gifts up during the Offertory. The Choirs are open to ages 14 and up and 3rd through 8th graders can take part in the Choristers group. Boys and girls can begin Altar Serving in 3rd grade and can become Extraordinary Ministers and Sacristans at 16 years old. Kids 14 and older can be Video Techs, and all ages can be Greeters and may serve as Ushers with their parents. We have many family-friendly events throughout the year and other volunteer opportunities the entire family can be a part of. We highly encourage families to come to Mass together and become active in the parish!
