Volunteers are needed for a variety of liturgical ministries. Training and materials are provided as needed, and volunteers are scheduled according to their availability and preferred Mass time. See below for information about each ministry. Contact the Parish Office to volunteer
Each person reads 2-4 times each quarter at the individual’s preferred Mass time. Training provided. Volunteers are always needed for this ministry

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministers are scheduled on a quarterly basis at their preferred Mass time. Training is provided, and certification is required. Volunteers are needed on a regular basis and also as substitutes.

Ushers are placed on a team, and each team is scheduled for one Mass one weekend per month. No formal training required. Volunteers needed for all Masses; high school through adult Parishioners are welcome. Contact: Charlie Jilek 616-954-1097

Altar Servers
Sign up and training is in the fall. If you missed the sign up and are still interested, please contact the Parish Office to arrange training. Three servers are scheduled for each Mass at their preferred time. This ministry is open to students in 5th grade and up. Contact: Mike Marshall, servers@SPAgr.org

Gift Bearers
To volunteer, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex on the stand near the Crucifix. Volunteers can sign up one week ahead, or when coming into Mass and bring the gifts up that day.

Art & Environment
The church is decorated for the liturgical seasons, with special attention given to Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. Volunteers are needed for the Christmas and Easter seasons.

Altar Linen Care
Volunteers are needed to wash and iron the linens used on the altar.

Volunteers assist at funerals by preparing for the Mass, assisting the family as needed, putting funeral liturgy items away following the Mass, and sharing in the luncheon, if possible. A sacristan is also scheduled for each Mass. Training is provided.

Music Ministry
St. Paul’s Director of Sacred Music Michael Miller offers many opportunities for Parishioners of all ages to sing praises during Mass throughout the year. Please visit our Music Ministry page for more information.
Video Technicians
Volunteers are needed for all weekend liturgies to run slides on the church screens. This is an excellent job for a high school-age or older Parishioner who enjoys working behind the scenes.