Faith Formation Volunteers

Faith Formation offers many opportunities for parishioners to put their gifts into service for evangelization.Please consider sharing your time and talents by helping with one or more of the service opportunities. Just complete the volunteer interest form to indicate your area of interest. Volunteers are needed for both onsite and virtual.

    Faith Formation Mentors for the families in our Children’s programs. Volunteers are assigned families to keep in contact with throughout the year. Mentors could even be a “sponsor” for families with children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Catechist Aides to help with the small groups. Lead Catechists for primary grades/ upper EL grades Prayer Partner: Praying at home to support the children’s faith formation programs. Specific prayer requests will be sent to you each month.

Pray More Novenas “Always pray and never give up.” -Luke 18:1A novena is made up of nine days of prayer and meditation, usually to ask God for special prayer requests […]

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Have you ever wondered what the initial steps are to becoming Catholic? If you want to know what Christianity is all about, what the Catholic Church is and why you […]

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“Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the ‘sacraments of Christian initiation,’ whose unity must be safeguarded. It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the […]

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Couples planning to marry at St. Paul the Apostle must attend a Pre-Cana weekend. St. Paul the Apostle offers a Pre-Cana weekend twice each year for our parishioners (space is […]

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Due to the restrictions we are now under, VBS will not be held at the parish and choirs are not allowed at this time, so we will be unable to […]

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Virtus Training – Protecting God’s Children Any volunteer over the age of 18 who has regular contact with children or youth is required to undergo a background check, agree to […]

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St. Paul is excited to offer a Youth Ministry Program for Middle and High Schoolers. Click below for more information.

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Onsite Faith Formation As parents, you are stewards of God’s most wonderful gift: the life of Christ in your children. The parish programs exist to support parents in their role […]

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St. Paul the Apostle Church