• Are you searching for a relationship with God?
  • Do you want to learn more about the Catholic way of life?
  • Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
  • Were you baptized Catholic and want to complete the Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation)?

Have you ever wondered what the initial steps are to becoming Catholic?

This summer the Catholic Inquiry/OCIA team will be available to chat between the 9 and 11 o’clock Masses on the following Sundays: June 9,  July 14,  August 11.

If you want to know what Christianity is all about, what the Catholic Church is and why you should care, or what faith is really about and what difference it will make in your life and in the world, come chat with a team member. We will be in the alcove by the west doors to the church.

For more information, please fill out this form.

St. Paul the Apostle Church