Mission Statement
To explore the diverse range of rich music that the Catholic Church provides for our worship, which includes, chant, latin, hymns, praise and worship, and other music that lends itself to elevating the Liturgy. To continue to grow a strong passion for creating such an expandable palate when it comes to the beauty that resides in this music that is set aside for worship. To foster an inclusive environment for the community that encourages, nourishes, and strengthens their desire and understanding of the beauty found in sacred music.

From the Director of Music
My approach to sacred music is one that is of refreshing reverence. I find that many of our brothers and sisters have forgotten a true sense of reverence in the liturgy. That the Church’s tradition and sacredness have been replaced by meaningless terminology that only serves to limit ourselves in how we praise God through song. The Catholic Church is a universal Church, if you go anywhere else in the world, they are praising God with whatever they have and that is beautiful and an equally valid form of praising God. In the US I believe that we are spoiled in the sense that a lot of our churches have organs, pianos, and guitars that are functional instruments we can rely on, however, this does not mean that this is the only and correct approach to sacred music. My goal is to break down the barrier of the boxed in terminologies, and to expose a congregation to the wider picture of the church through song. Most importantly, I am to encourage the congregation to share in the same joy that I have when it comes to singing praises to God. My heart is burning with love for the Lord and I want others to share in that same passion.
Get involved!
Music is a universal expression and language of the human heart. You hear the songs and sing the hymns at Mass. Have you considered getting involved in the music ministry as a way to dive deeper into your faith? If you have, I would like to encourage you to consider lending your gifts and talents to God by joining our ministry.
Weekend Choirs
The Choir’s main role is to serve as “preachers of the word through song”. This is not a ministry for the “best voices” or the “elites” only, this is a ministry for all who love the Lord so much that they want to burst into song and sing God’s praises. This is a safe space for all who want to serve the Lord with gladness and come before him with a song.
At SPA we have 3 choirs available for you to participate in for the weekend Masses. All choir rehearsals take place in the Saints Peter & Paul room (located on the west side of the church) The Choir season runs from September – June.
- Saturday 5pm Choir (meets at 4pm for rehearsal)
- Sunday 9am Choir (meets at 8am for rehearsal)
- Sunday 11am Choir (meets at 10:15am for rehearsal)
The SPA youth choir from grades 3 – 8. Choristers is for those interested in a fun time after school singing music and praising God through song! We explore a wide range of hymns, songs, chants, and even praise and worship songs that are used to elevate our worship here at SPA. Those in choristers can expect a few things: growth in musicianship, a deeper understanding and appreciation for non-secular music, and most importantly a closer walk with God as we sing his praises. Chorister’s is open for anyone in or outside of the SPA school community in grades 3 – 8. Choristers primarily sings at the 11am Sunday Mass once a month, few concerts outside of the Mass, and family adoration nights.

Funeral Choir
Creating music for the soul, for those who have gone before us and rest eternally in the loving care of God, and for those who remain here on earth to comfort those who mourn. Singing in the funeral choir provides comfort and healing to the grieving families and loved ones. I believe that it’s not only a blessing, but an honor, to be able to lead those gathered in prayer to pray for the souls of our departed brothers/sisters. This choir’s ministry is very important to people’s faith journey, especially during a crucial and pivotal moment in the walk of life. Being part of the Funeral Choir is not a full time commitment to sing at every funeral. Rather, it functions as an “on call” list of singers who are notified whenever there is a funeral. The Funeral choir meets 45 minutes prior to funerals for a rehearsal in the church.
The cantor’s main role is to lead the assembly in song for the psalm at the ambo and the gospel acclamation at the cantor stand and sing everything else from the choir area with the choir (when present). When the choir is not present, the cantor’s role is to lead the assembly in all sung parts of the Mass. Cantor’s will meet with the Director of Sacred Music at a time separate from choir rehearsals to go over the music so that they feel prepared and confident in their role. This ministry is the only music ministry that will require a brief consultation/audition with the Director of Sacred Music.
Those who are in high school and above and can play an instrument are encouraged to lend their gifts and talents in praising God through music. With the addition of instruments in the liturgy it offers support for the assembly with the melody, or can add to the rich musical harmonies of the keyboard/choir. (ex: guitar, piano, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, tuba, euphonium, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, select percussion, violin, viola, cello, etc).