We are thrilled to announce that we’ll be partnering with Hallow this year, the #1 prayer app! Through prayer and meditation rooted in the Catholic faith, Hallow helps people grow closer to God and find peace. [Users are able to pray alongside Fr. Mike, Sr. Miriam, Mark Wahlberg, Jonathan Roumie, + many more. The app also offers mental health and sleep content, audiobooks, and sacred music.]
All parishioners – subscribers and those on the free version – are invited to be a part of St. Paul’s parish page in the app. There, you’re able to create a profile, share prayer requests, and take part in prayer challenges together.
To join, visit hallow.com/parish or scan the qr code, search (zip code is fastest), and follow the prompts. If you’re brand new to Hallow, you’ll be given a special $1 trial which gives access to all the app’s premium content. If you’d like to forgo and remain on the free version, simply hit “Skip” and you’ll have access to our parish page. If you already have a Hallow Account, click the community tab and follow prompts.
Our first prayer challenge will be Pray40 Prayer Challenge. Lent is a time for us to deepen our faith through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This year, we have the incredible opportunity to journey through Pray40, Hallow’s annual prayer challenge that drew over a million people together last year. Each day, beginning Ash Wednesday, we’ll have a spiritual practice from our Catholic tradition that’ll help us grow stronger in faith – together. To join the challenge, visit our parish page on the Community tab of the Hallow app.
Issues with app access? Contact parishsupport@hallow.app.
We look forward to praying with you!