The Stewardship Council seeks to promote stewardship as a way of life throughout the whole Parish community, as well as advise the pastor in matters related to increasing stewardship of time, talent and treasure among parishioners. The Stewardship Council assists volunteers and leaders of parish groups in specific areas of ministry; organizes with the pastor’s guidance events for the whole parish community; and discerns best practices for the implementation of established Parish goals. The Stewardship Council oversees volunteering in 6 areas of Parish life: Welcoming & Engagement, Liturgy/Worship, Faith Formation, Charity, Fellowship and Communication. Each of these committees is led by one or more Chairs/Co-chairs. There is a close collaboration with the Finance Council in matters related to stewardship of treasure. Meetings are generally every 2 or 3 months. Current membership: Fr. Peter Damian (Pastor), Tiffny Harmon & Stephanie DeByle (Welcoming&Engagement Co-Chairs), Paul Korte & John Harmon (Worship Co-Chairs), Anh Pham, Hillary Martin & Pat Hollern (Faith Formation Co-Chairs), Mary Jo Rabaut & Anne Sassano (Charity Co-Chairs), Liz Korte (Fellowship Chair), Merribeth Kreuger (Communication Chair). Currently there are about 40 Parish groups, each with their own leaders. The Stewardship Council also organizes through ad-hoc committees the Annual Cougar Dash 5k & Parish Festival and the Baja Fish Taco Nights in Lent. Contact: