Check out the following opportunities to grow in relationship with fellow parishioners as we grow in faith together.
Men’s Group
The fall program of That Man Is You is anticipated to start Thursday, September 16th @ 6:30am. We will gather every Thursday morning though December 16th, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day.

Women’s Group
The Women of St. Paul meet for fellowship and deepening of faith through the Blessed is She ministry. We are currently exploring the beauty of our faith via the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our time together consists of group teaching, personal reflection, and small group discussion. We look forward to continuing to expand this ministry which started in the midst of a pandemic. We encourage each woman to bring two friends with them.

Troops of St. George
As fathers, we are tasked to raise our sons to be good Catholic men. Pope John Paul II said, “The mission of fatherhood is to reveal and relive on earth, the very fatherhood of God.” Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a group of fathers committed to bringing up our sons in the faith, while enjoying the outdoors and learning the skills every boy needs to know when they become a man? The Troops of St. George is exactly that and a group is forming at SPA!

BLOOM (St. Paul Mom’s Ministry)
The St. Paul the Apostle Mom’s Ministry is a great way to stay connected to our School and Church community. Email for more details. Click below to join. Find us on FB

Friends of St. Paul’s
The Friends of St. Paul’s is a group of Parishioners that works hard all year to subsidize tuition for SPA school families. Their largest fundraiser is the ever-popular, super fun Trivia Night in November.