Event Sponsorship Program
The event sponsorship program allows businesses, families, and individuals to support St. Paul the Apostle’s fundraising goals in an effort to help offset event expenses costs. Our updated event sponsorship program offers you the top level of sponsorship, Cougar Excellence. This sponsorship has the most market visibility and event perks reaching over 8,000 people through our social media platforms. On average, combined we have over 5,000 attendees at our events.
In addition, we offer levels of sponsorships per event…Visionary, Servant Heart and Spirited. These levels per event give different ways you can support. All events give marketing exposure while supporting St. Paul the Apostle. It’s a WIN, WIN!
Learn more here.

Dan Donnelly Endowment
The Donnelly Endowment was started in 1994 to support the financial life of the school for future generations. In 2002 the name of the Endowment was changed to reflect the contribution made to Catholic Education by Daniel J. Donnelly. For twenty-three years he dedicated himself to the mission of a Catholic Education here at St. Paul the Apostle. Our Endowment honors Dan’s memory and his love for his school. The Dan Donnelly Endowment is a long-term investment in SPA education. The yearly distribution allows SPA to grant over $50,000 in tuition scholarships each year. In addition to scholarships, the endowment allows us to keep tuition affordable by offsetting the true cost of educating a child as well as sustaining teacher salary funding. Over the past two years SPA has invested in right-sizing SPA teacher compensation to be comparable to educators in public education. Our Endowment will continue the sustainability of this mission as our teachers are the greatest investment for our Catholic Educational programming. SPA Administration believes in this endowment and its goals so much that 10% of all fundraising income is invested back into the endowment! You may donate any amount at any time by sending a check to the school/parish office or selecting the Donnelly Endowment fund via Realm. Our levels of The Dan Donnelly Endowment are below.
Angels – $1,000 Annual gift
Guardian Angels – $5,000 Annual gift
Archangels – $20,000 Lifetime gift
AMDG Architects Scholarship Fund
Thanks to the generous support of Peter and Michelle Baldwin, in partnership with the Catholic Foundation of West Michigan. The Endowment aims to provide needs-based tuition assistance to students at St. Paul the Apostle, with priority consideration given to Latino students. Invested in perpetuity and distributes a portion of the fund’s balance in the form of an annual grant to St. Paul the Apostle.

Friends of St. Paul
The Friend of St. Paul began more than 20 years ago by a passionate group of parishioners who wanted to do their part in assisting parish families with an affordable education. Through their yearly Trivia Night Fundraiser, our Friends of St. Paul give out tuition credits for every student in our K-8 programming. Contributions to this fund can be made via check to school/parish office noting “Friends of St. Paul” or via Realm Friends/SPA School Fund.
For more information on these opportunities, contact Jo Reilly at greilly@spagr.org