1. Safety
    1. Drop off Round a-bout
    2. Sidewalk extension to Burton
    3. Secure fencing the perimeter – Complete
    4. Operable gate at entry of parking lot – Complete
    5. Resurfacing of the parking lots – Complete
    6. Striping for street hockey and basketball of the parking lot.
    7. Dumpster relocation
  2. Early Childhood 
    1. Phase 1: convert teachers lounge to early childhood room – Complete
    2. Phase 2: Expansion of Building for 3-4 classrooms with toilets within the rooms
    3. Dedicated early childhood play area with a fence- Complete
    1. Expansion of 3 classrooms, Science Classrooms, maker space at the end of the classroom wing. – Temporary new Science Lab created
    2. Garden area with raised beds
    3. Science bog/ wet area for science teaching
  4. Spiritual Growth
    1. Stations of the Cross walk with signs or sculptures. 
    2. Reflection garden and Grotto outside of the parish office at the end of the stations walk.
  5. Athletics 
    1. Fitness path incorporated with the stations of the cross.  The goal is to have it be ¼ mile long with hard packed gravel for running.
    2. Basketball court in parking area
    3. Shed expansion for garden and lawn/sports equipment.  
    4. Ga-Ga Pit – Complete
    5. Baseball resurfacing.
    6. Lawn area for soccer as well as tent area for parish picnic.  Hard surface and pathways for full accessibility to the lawn area.  
  6. Academics
    1. Outdoor classroom – covered and 
    2. Classroom porches- seated area outside of the classroom 
    3. Performance space with benches or scalped lawn for gathering.  Stage with a back drop that shields the neighbors.
    4. New Curriculum in all classrooms – Complete

St. Paul the Apostle School