Daily Schedule Gr. K-8:
7:45am- Drop Off
8:00am- School Begins
3:10pm – Dismissal
Daily Schedule – SPACare
Daily Schedule – Cougar Den After Care (DROP IN IS AVAIL. IF OPENINGS)
Daily Schedule -Preschool:
8:15-8:30 am – Drop Off
8:30-11:30 am – Programming
11:15-11:30 am – Pick Up
11:30 am – 2:50 pm – Enrichment Full Day
2:50-3:00pm – Pick Up
- Go to Secure.boonli.com
- Click Create an Account: Password is SPA451
- Enter information and click Submit
- Enter information for your students, Add Profile. Repeat for any additional students.
- Click I’m Done and Sign In
Boonli is used for online ordering of Lunch, Before/After School Care, SPA Care and Lunch bunch. All orders must be places and paid for 2 weeks before the month ordered.
Realm is our online community. You can update your contact information to keep the schools records up-to-date, volunteer, pay for field trips, donate, register for events and communicate with groups you are part of. If having issues logging on, contact schooloffice@spagr.org
Tuition Assistance
Every year, the Diocese of Grand Rapids awards more than $500,000 through this need-based scholarship program. These scholarships help more than 1,000 Catholic school students annually.
New and returning families who are registered parishioners in the diocese are eligible to apply for Bishop’s Scholarships. They can do so by filling out an application with Smart Aid, the secure third-party service used by the diocese to collect family information and determine an unbiased calculation of financial need. Families need to show their income and expenses by providing financial documentation such as tax returns, W2s, and paystubs.
Scholarships are then awarded over the course of several rounds, until funds are no longer available. The application is available here.
Additional Student Aid is available to Saint Paul families through the St. Paul Parish & School tuition assistance program and is also done via the application through SMART AID.
Click here for instructions on how to fill out the SMART AID application.
Register here to receive the workshop access information as the session approaches.
Smart Aid Workshop Registration
Once your application is processed, a financial aid recommendation will be forwarded to Saint Paul the Apostle offices and staff. All final financial aid decisions, including notification of an award amount (if any) will be made by Saint Paul the Apostle. If you have not received notification regarding financial aid by May, contact the school office.
Our current Tuition Rates can be found here.
- An account may be established for the benefit of an individual, and contributions may be made starting at birth and continued throughout the beneficiary’s education.
- Contributions may be made to one or more accounts by one or more individuals without income restrictions on contributors or beneficiaries.
- Money inside of the account may generally be invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs and other investments.
- As it grows, future income and growth inside of the account is not federally taxed.
- Future taxes if they are used for qualified education expenses.
- Up to $10,000 may be withdrawn annually for elementary or secondary education expenses.
- Distributions from the account are federally tax-free to the extent they are used for qualified education expenses.
- Qualified education expenses include tuition, books, supplies, tutoring, transportation, computer costs and certain other costs.
- Qualified education expenses are those incurred for elementary or secondary school, as well as college.
Parents, grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles and anyone interested in helping provide for a child’s education.
- Speak with your financial advisor or tax advisor regarding opening up an account.
- For more information, visit MIsaves.com
- Video: https://vimeo.com/359349123
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is the Student Information Systems used by the Diocese of Grand Rapids. You can keep up with your students grades and attendance in this system.
Tuition: School Admin
School Admin is the database we use for tuition management. You can log in to make updates to your tuition plan, payment options and monitor your payments.
Student Supply Lists
SPA Care
SPACare is SPA’s Daycare for 1 to 3 year olds that are affiliated with the school or parish. Prices can be found on our tuition page
We offer full year and school year options.
Emergency Drills
Fire Drills
- May 23, 2023
- November 16, 2022
- September 22, 2022
- September 2021 – December 2021
- April 2021
- Oct. 19th 2020
- Nov. 4th 2020
- Fire Drills 2019-2020
- Fire Drills 2018-2019
- Fire Drills 2017-2018
Tornado Drills
- January, 4, 2023
- February 2022
- 2019-2020 (COVID we were not in school during months applicable)
- Tornado Drills 2018-2019
- Tornado Drills – 2017-2018
Lockdown Drills
- March 6, 2023
- October 10, 2022
- March 2022
- December 2021
- Jan 2021
- Feb 2021
- Lock Down Drills 2019-2020
- Lock Down Drills 2018-2019
- Lockdown Drills- 2017-2018
Bloom – SPA Mom’s Group
SPAM is a group for all moms in the SPA Community interested in meeting up for activities with and sometimes without kids. Sign up to be on the email list here.
We have numerous community building events throughout the year and use our website for online registrations. To stay current on what events are coming up we always have the events listed on this webpage.
Here are a few of the events to look forward to:
- Trivia Night
- Christmas Program
- 12th Night
- SPAuction
- Baja Fish Taco Nights during Lent
- 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
- Daddy/Daughter Dance
- Mother/Son outing
- Golf Outing
- SPAFest – 5K and Festival
- Cougar Dash
- Educational Fair
Grand Rapids Catholic High Schools
Click HERE for detailed School Uniform info
The purpose of a school uniform code and personal appearance guidelines is to provide a school environment in which clothing items and hairstyles are not a focus of attention. Student individuality is not encouraged in this area. St. Paul’s students are expected to wear the designated uniform on all days. All students must have shirts tucked in at all times. It is the responsibility of the parent that the child is dressing according to the uniform. Students coming to school out of uniform code will be asked to call home for an appropriate change of clothing.
Parents must check with the school office before purchasing items or permitting hair coloring and hairstyles not specifically addressed in the uniform code. All clothing worn should be of a correct size, neither too tight nor excessively baggy. Skirts may be no more than one inch above the knee. Pants may not drag on the floor. Frayed or overly worn clothing may not be worn.
Plaid is only available via Schoolbelles:
Logo application fee: FreeLayaway program availableLoyalty Programwww.schoolbelles.com/register orTEST “schoolbelles” to 22828to be added to their email list andbe the first to know about upcoming sales, specialstore hours and career opportunities.
Year & Month at a Glance Calendar (subject to change)
CLICK HERE FOR School Google Calendar
View Calendar at a Glance and Print Here
The Year at a Glance calendar is a high-level view of major events that gets updated periodically throughout the year, but dates change frequently so be sure to check the school calendar for up-to-date information.
Junior Cougar Summer Program
Stay tuned for details for 2023 season!
Call the school office for drop in
Field trip days are Wednesdays, kids must be K and up to attend and wear a junior cougar t-shirt, which can be purchase on the spiritshop
MAP Testing
We do MAP Testing twice in the year. This is The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) testing to determine where a student is academically. These tests are completed on computers and are responsive to your child to help evaluate areas of weaknesses and strengths.
Handbook & Policies
Volunteering/Virtus Training
CLICK HERE FOR Virtus Training
SPA has numerous volunteering opportunities throughout the year both for stay at home parents and working parents. In order to volunteer with the children or attend field trips, you must be Virtus Trained. It is online and if you have questions you can contact us at schooloffice@spagr.org
Volunteer Opportunities:
Email/contact information can be found on their website pages. Please email them directly for interest and openings! 🙂
If you are receiving in-parish tuition you are required to give $25/week to the Sunday Collection at the parish.
Before and After School Care Cougar Den
We offer Before & After school care for all students. Drop-in Scheduling and Payments are done through Brightwheel.
For a discounted rate and multi-child discounts we also have a Cougar Den After School Program that is paid via tuition. See Tuition page for prices.
Spirit Shop
Order gear from the spirit shop.
The following Uniform items can be bought here:
- Polos
- Gym top and bottom
- Outerwear (Navy)
Indicated by Uniform tag in the spirit shop.
All gear purchased can be worn on spirit days we have 1/month. Orders are placed in bulk and dates for orders are listed on the spirit shop home page and on the online calendar.
We try to add new items before each order!
Giftcards are also available and teachers/staff love these!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We have scheduled parent teacher conferences twice a year: November and February. If parents need to meet with teachers outside of these times, we are flexible and make arrangements. Our teachers are available via email all year and will make special arrangements as needed to meet!
When we have the scheduled conferences a link will populate below where parents can pick the teachers and day/times they would like to schedule for a conference. This reserves that day/time. Parents are in charge of scheduling the teachers in the order they desire. It is a first come/first serve system for spots.
Preschool & Elementary are 15 min long sessions. Middle School on the first day, parents can meet with all of the teachers at one time for 20 mins, or on the 2nd day can meet with each teacher individually for 15 mins each.
As always if you have questions you can contact the schooloffice@spagr.org or 616-949-1690.